
Anna Kournikova Net Worth, Pics, Celebrity, Tennis

Anna Sergeyevna Kournikova - Russian-amerikanskaya professionalynaya tennisistka, chye sostoyanie otsenivaetsya 50 millionov dollarov. Ona rodilasy in Moscow, USSR and professionalyno played in tennis with 1989 in 2003. In noyabre Year 2010 Anna Stahl grazhdankoy, USA.                                                                                                       
How Anna Kournikova won
Won: $ 50 million
Sources: sports, advertising, TV

Although in 2000, Kournikova became №8 tennis player in the world, she never won a Cup ZHTA (Women's Tennis Association) in singles. Kournikova took the first position in tennis only when playing doubles. Together with his partner Martina Hingis, she twice won the Grand Slam title in Australia in 1999 and 2002. Based on his appearance, Hingis and Kournikova called themselves «Spice Girls in tennis."

Over the past few years, Kournikova stopped playing professional tennis, and possibly her career was over because of serious problems with the back and spine. Now Anna lives in Miami Beach, Florida, playing tennis in the common activities. Kournikova is also playing doubles for the team St. Louis Aces in the World Tennis Tournament. It has become the new coach of the show "most to lose" on channel NBC, replacing Jillian Michaels.

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