Anna Kournikova Net Worth, Pics, Celebrity, Tennis

She is attractive and charming tennis star who has never won the tournament. But for years he deals with advertising, which earns money. Not a lot of money. Know yourself. It's about Anna Kournikova.

However, the former tennis player is also engaged in charity. Her last trip was to Haiti, where got acquainted with the problems of local residents, including poverty, violence and so on.

Her visit in February was part of a campaign which aims to highlight innovative solutions to health problems. This trip will remain for life in the memories of the Russian, who said that her life has changed after I saw there.

"I was shocked when I found out that 70% of the population lives on less than $ 2 a day, which can not cover most normal human needs," said Kournikova. The Russian said that was shaken by her meeting with a group of young girls who had been sold into slavery by their parents for a modest profit.

According to recent studies, one of every two girls who were sold by their parents, had been sexually abused, which in many cases has led to HIV infection or other.

"In the first village that we visited - Cabaret, we saw how the hair of children pozhalti due to malnutrition, and most homes were made of stones, sticks and cardboard.

Whole neighborhoods were destroyed by hurricanes last year, "said Kournikova. Through a donation from the fashion company H & M in another AIDS campaign was built youth center to provide children living in domestic servitude training for health protection.

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