Anna Kournikova Net Worth, Pics, Celebrity, Tennis

Diet Anna Kournikova

Regarding Anna Kournikova various rumors were afloat - in particular, that it has a power supply system disorders, such as anorexia. At some point it became as thin that it was almost impossible to find. Then Anna Kournikova claimed she just so thin by nature, and that she just lost muscle mass, which gained as playing tennis. Anna for 15 years playing tennis for 6 hours a day, and this, she said, led to the fact that she had a more rounded figure. Thus, Kournikova refused speculation that her thinness - the result of a strict diet and that she starving himself.

Power Principles

According to Anna Kournikova, she eats an apple 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner and drinks before eating a glass of water. The apple lots of fiber, it is low-calorie and contains no fat. Fiber fills the stomach and a person eats is much less.

Favorite foods

In addition, Anna Kournikova favorite dish is a salad of fresh tomatoes and onions with vegetables, steamed. For dessert, Anya takes black coffee, fruit and a bit of rose wine.

In addition, Anna claims that she had come "days of McDonald's", when it comes to this diner and eat there. But, according to Anna Kournikova, "three for dessert time, she does not eat."


Anna has been training 4 times a week - 45 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes at the gym. In addition, she plays tennis and swims. Anna claims that receives from exercise fun, "because it is involved in sports all my life," Running around 6 km at a charity race, Anna said it was -. About her daily exercise.
In an interview with Anna Kournikova she said she loves to be on the beach, rollerblading, swimming and sunbathing. "I love all that is connected with the water," - said Anna.

How Does Anna Kournikova Stay In Shape

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