
Anna Kournikova Net Worth, Pics, Celebrity, Tennis

Tennis star Anna Kournikova reclassified in good will ambassador and often travels all over the world, concern for the poorest countries and she is lacking water, food and pure love. The beauty gladly gave an interview for a famous newspaper called "Arguments and Facts".

 - Anna, you were in Russia soon, there is a lot of charity. What are your impressions?
 - I came as an ambassador to the US company PSI (Population Services International), which work in health care in 65 countries. For five days I toured Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Gatchina, Moscow. Our young team showed that they can be without drugs, because in life there are so interesting and funny things: sports, art and that policy for example.

-Do not you interfere with this charity marathon? You were in Haiti, where syringes and condoms distributed, then came to Russia and continued the campaign against AIDS. So money does not smell, independent how were they spend?
 - Look, I know from personal experience and from my parents how hard is to earn money. So do not blame me, more so in project work almost free. In Haiti we participated in the program for distribution etc. Human life is invaluable - both in America and in Africa or Russia. In our country there are nearly one million AIDS - and 80% of them are under 30 years. 

- Is your work efectively?
- If only one person hear us, so it is.

- Anna, you are constantly about rumors: sometimes converge, now you are split with the singer Enrique Iglesias, now people tell that you are pregnant, then attack you and try to strangle you.
- According to publications you can now consider me as a mother heroine. Earlier I was tighten, but now I have a lot of fun with all of these stories.

- Why once the old Iglesias says that he does not know you, and then he says that you are the most beautiful girl in the world?
- Julio Iglesias is a great singer, actor, diplomat. He is for many years in the show business and sometimes makes curious and shocking statements. This is also a kind of a game.

- Marat Safin said that you contributed to the development of women's tennis world.
- I'm nice that Marat assess me so high. I myself have a humble opinion. He is still managed to show the Russian girls and their parents, it is quite possible to fall into the tens of the best. 

- They say that as a child you were constantly defeated Marat?
 - Yes, but not permanently. Marat as a teenager playing mediocre but impressed with the education and restraint.

- Why Russian girls dominate in this kind of sport?
- Factors for the success of our tennis are few. First, the school and the traditions. Second, Russia in the 90s became an open country and in athletes occurdifferent areas. 

- Why your coach Larissa Dmitrievna Preobrazhenskaya advise their graduates to never cry - either on the court or in life?
 - She was a real woman so cheerful and pure e real. 

- Isn't it strange that severely beautiful girls like you and Masha Sharapova pretend to fight as equals with some Shepherds and Bandidas?
- Who looks like opponent, it is important to master. The main thing is to realize are so clear. 

- Subjecting you tennis player of genetic tests? In order not to become like the athlete Caster Semenya of South Africa.
 - Epecially I have never used male hormones. 

- Many men look professional tennis player with aplomb, considering them to legged fools ...
- In every country and society there are envious and stupid people.

- With Enrique Iglesias you live together for eight years. Will not you legalize their relationship?
-What are my certificates and seals, when there is love? We feel well in this way. 

- And how do you communicate - a star with a star?
- I just love his humor, cheerfulness, diligence. Enrique was very passionate in his work. At that perhapsI felf in love. 
- Do you often cook for Enrique and do you feel cozy with him?
- I would not say we're a homebody, although the family home is very important. I also cook, but Enrique prefer the dish my grandmother.

- Anna, you out early darling of fate. When they grow up, you became wild in tennis, and then grew into a sex symbol. How do you feel like?
- What a sex symbol am I?

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